Useful Resources

A Profile of Italian Australian Culture

For Aged Care Service Providers

This profile of the Italian Australian culture has been developed as a resource tool to assist staff in the aged care services sector to provide for the cultural and linguistic needs of their Italian speaking clients.


Spanish Cultural Briefing

Helping to Provide Quality Aged Care to Spanish Speakers

A guide for aged care workers to deliver quality aged care to members of the Spanish-speaking communities. Covering topics of Community, Residential Options and Recommendations for cultural importance during care.


Italian Cultural Briefing

Helping to Provide Quality Aged Care to Italian Speakers

A guide for aged care workers to deliver quality aged care to members of the Italian-speaking communities. Covering topics of Community, Residential Options and Recommendations for cultural importance during care.


Italian Pain Scale Chart

Pain Chart to help aged Italians identify their level of pain.


Spanish Pain Scale Chart

Pain Chart to help aged Spaniards identify their level of pain.


Morphine Drug Effects

The chart of the effects of Morphine with descriptions in English and Italian


Italian Cue Card Pack

For assistance in language barriers for Aged Care Service Providers:
Basic Instructions, Family, Community, Medical, Descriptions, Dental, Objects, People, Religion, Time,

Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Review
underwent a quality review conducted by the Quality Agency on 19 January 2016.
The quality review assessed the performance of ItSoWel’s Community Home Support Program services
against each of the expected outcomes of the Home Care Standards as set out in the Quality of Care Principles 2014.
ItSoWel is pleased to inform the community that it has received the Final Quality Review Report and it has met
18 out of the 18 expected outcomes of the Home Care Standards.
@ Copyright ITSOWEL 2016